

2013-10-03T09:22:17+13:00 This year’s Tekapo Throwdown will be held on the 26th and 27th of October (Labour Weekend) at the Tekapo Whitewater Centre. The social event encompasses a variety of fun…

Sir Geoffrey Palmer QC, architect of the Resource Management Act has decried the changes in a report Protecting New Zealand’s Environment writing, “The Government’s proposals will replace [sections 6 and 7]…

ECAN Commissioners have approved the Hurunui Water Project’s (HWP) application to Environment Canterbury for consents to take water from the Hurunui River for irrigation (Report and Decision of Hearing Commissioners,…

Zero Invasive Predators Ltd (ZIP), DOC and Predator Free 2050 Limited are carrying out research in the Perth River Valley, to develop an approach to completely remove possums (and potentially…

2017-08-04T09:56:44+12:00 Ian Fox, Deputy Harbourmaster for ECan, has issued a river hazard warning: The Environment Canterbury Harbourmaster’s Office has received today a report that on Sunday 23 July 2017 a…

2017-07-17T23:09:09+12:00 Kayakers’ habitat is New Zealand’s freshwater rivers; these rivers are increasingly under threat due to deteriorating water quality. In endorsing the Freshwater Rescue Plan, Whitewater NZ joins numerous other…

2017-05-31T20:37:36+12:00 The Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority is seeking submissions on the new Kaituna River Document. This document outlines the strategy for management of the Kaituna River itself, as…

2017-04-05T22:17:00+12:00 On Wednesday 29 March, Lawrance Simpson posted a video of himself running Hunua Falls (30m) for a possible first descent. Hunua Falls is on the Wairoa River in the…

2017-03-22T08:04:22+13:00 Kayakers from all over the North Island were looking forward to the Mangahao River dam release scheduled for Saturday 18 March, after many years of non-releases, ostensibly to repair…

2016-12-17T21:15:41+13:00 Check out the amazing series of whitewater events planned for this summer, from Christmas at the Kaituna to the Okere Falls Champions Race & Andy Duff Memorial Race, to…

2016-08-28T18:39:29+12:00 On Saturday 27 July, Whitewater NZ held its Annual General Meeting at University of Canterbury, Christchurch. We reviewed the previous year’s achievements and challenges. Other highlights included: Ian Fox…

2016-03-11T22:23:17+13:00 (Updated) Timberlands Forestry have advised that they will be tree felling next to the Rangitaiki River approximately 400m downstream of the power station and as such are restricting public…