

Cumec Magazine issue 13 is now available featuring articles on the threatened Morgans Gorge by Keith Riley, India’s Pindar River by Kev England, an interview with Pete Simpson. Plus coverage…

2011-05-02T09:45:39+12:00 Genesis Energy have advised that there will be a scheduled outage at Rangipo Power Station between 9am and 5pm, on Thursday 5 May. The Tongariro River, downstream of Rangipo…

The latest NZ Canoeing 11.1 has been sent to members, featuring West Coast Whitewater is officially awesome (Andy England), A tribute to Graham Egarr (Paul Caffyn), Conservation News: Matiri, Mokihinui…

2011-02-03T21:19:56+13:00 Forest and Bird have launched a campaign against taxpayer-owned Meridian Energy’s proposal to dam the wild and scenic Mōkihinui River. “Forest & Bird was joined by MPs, including Chris…

2010-12-21T21:52:58+13:00 The latest NZ Canoeing 10.3 has been sent to members, featuring Too precious to dam (Polly Miller), Lessons from Mangatepopo (Mick Hopkinson), Conservation News (Land and Water Forum, Hurunui…

Cumec Issue 12 has been released for the Spring/Summer season. Focussed on adventure paddling the issue contains an interview with Kiwi Adventurer Mike Abbott, Andi Uhl writes about keeping the…

2010-11-23T18:31:43+13:00 Environment Canterbury Commissioners have imposed a moratorium on resource consents to take, dam, divert or use water in the Waiau River catchment, saying “A moratorium would also allow due…

2010-10-27T21:58:35+13:00 Waiariki Academy of Sport, at the Waiariki Institute of Technology in Rotorua are offering scholarships for their Kayak/Waka Squad 2011. Study at Waiariki, and train on the world-class rivers…

2010-10-25T21:01:58+13:00 120 kayakers and environmentalists staged a mass descent of the Mokihinui River (video) on Sunday to protest Meridian’s proposed 85m dam. Meridian’s consents to dam the wild and scenic…

2010-10-09T15:21:01+13:00 The latest NZ Canoeing has been sent to members, featuring Conservation News (Rivers in the media, Hurunui River moratorium, Mokihinui River, Mokihinui Stockton film, Central Plains Water, Land and…

2010-09-09T13:10:17+12:00 Two Mangahao releases have been scheduled for October 2010. 9 October 2010: a replacement release for the cancellation in October last year. 30 October 2010: the spring release for…

2010-09-01T22:29:48+12:00 Some months ago the Otago conservancy of DOC released their proposed Mt Aspiring National Park Management Plan. It is due to be approved by the NZ Conservation Authority and…

2012-07-02T20:48:31+12:00 Whitewater NZ President Polly Miller has released the associations’ Annual Report for 2012, commenting “It’s been another busy year for kayaking and for river conservation. Highlights from the year…

2012-06-26T14:17:59+12:00 Timberlands advise they are closing Ngahuinga Road from Wednesday 27 to Saturday 30 June to clear overhanging trees. This affects access to Jeff’s Joy on the Rangitaiki River Access

2012-06-12T10:44:06+12:00 Counter to the trend of recent cancellations of hydro projects, Westpower has reactivated plans to develop hydro on the Waitaha River. The scheme was first announced in 2007. WestPower…

2012-05-31T16:19:10+12:00 The Nelson Mail reports that the Matakitaki river hydro scheme proposed by Network Tasman, and the Wairau river hydro scheme proposed by TrustPower, have both been placed on hold…

2012-05-31T15:52:04+12:00 The Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment Dr. Jan Wright has issued a report “Hydroelectricity or wild rivers? Climate change versus natural heritage” (PDF, 5MB) highlighting the weaknesses of the…

2012-05-22T10:40:50+12:00 Meridian announced today that they are no longer pursuing a dam on the wild and scenic Mōkihinui River citing concerns over their ability to secure resource consents and approval…

2012-05-19T17:24:47+12:00 The Otago Daily Times reports that Trustpower has postponed the Arnold hydro scheme citing adverse economic conditions. Trustpower have been granted consents for the scheme and the agreed mitigation…

2012-05-01T08:51:27+12:00 Contact Energy has announced that it won’t be proceeding with proposed hydro development options for Luggate (25m, 86MW), Queensberry (14m, 160MW), Beaumont (30m, 185MW) and Tuapeka Mouth (50m, 350MW)….

2012-04-22T19:40:38+12:00 Whitewater NZ Access Officer Matt Bennett has been following up on the Aratiatia situation and provides the following update: Last month a group of kayakers including Ben Brown and…