

2008-04-22T07:32:30+12:00 [30 March] The NZRCA Annual General Meeting will be held in Rotorua on Saturday 26 April, 2008. All kayakers are welcome, especially those keen to get involved in the…

2008-03-25T09:33:30+13:00 Genesis Energy has advised that the Poutu Canal maintenance programme has been rescheduled for 25 March 2008 to 25 May 2008. The four month maintenance programme started last January,…

2008-03-19T13:27:18+13:00 The NZ Freestyle Kayaking committee is organising a freestyle event on Saturday 19/Sunday 20 April to select the 2008 national team. The event is open to everyone that wants…

2008-03-17T08:27:10+13:00 Meridian Energy has lodged resource consent applications to construct a $250 million 65-85MW dam on the wild and scenic Mokihinui River. Submissions on the resource consent are due 23…

2008-03-11T22:32:03+13:00 Antz Longman’s latest CUMEC Magazine features paddling news in New Zealand and Australia, waterfall kayaking in Iceland, green kayaking, Genoa river (Australia), interview with Don Calder (with particular comments…

2008-03-05T22:30:30+13:00 Duncan Catanach compiled the NZRCA’s submission to Parliament’s Finance and Expenditure Committee regarding the Climate Change (Emissions Trading and Renewable Preference) Bill making the point that although water is…

2008-02-01T22:32:11+13:00 Genesis Energy have advised that the Poutu Canal maintenance programme has been postponed indefinitely. Genesis Energy has been requested to do everything possible to maximise generation due to the…

2008-01-22T22:37:42+13:00 Government-owned Meridian Energy has lodged resource consent applications to construct a $250 million 65-85MW dam on the Mokihinui River. The Mokihinui offers excellent whitewater kayaking in classic West Coast…

2008-01-22T12:06:10+13:00 Clare McLennan says that after the huge success of last years event, Women on Whitewater (WOW) are pleased to announce that there will be two womens’ weekends in February….

2008-01-15T16:50:43+13:00 DOC’s West Coast Tai Poutini Conservancy advises that didymo has been found in the Arahura River. DOC is concerned it could be spread to more rivers and might impact…

2007-12-27T21:02:41+13:00 Recreational kayakers may continue to utilise fit-for-purpose PFDs until 1 October 2014 following ministerial approval of an amendment (PDF, 192kb) to the infamous Rule Part 91. For commercial operations,…

2007-12-26T22:06:00+13:00 Zak Shaw advises that he and Mikey Abbott are back in NZ after a successful trip to Arunachal Pradesh, India. Accompanied by Allan Ellard, Sam Hughes, Andy Phillips and…

2007-12-20T11:00:18+13:00 Contrary to its statutory obligation to foster recreation, DOC has approved the concession application by BOP Electricity for a dam on the Kaituna. The dam would inundate the Awesome…

2008-09-17T15:02:54+12:00 Genesis Energy advise that due to recent rain, the flow in the Tongariro River below Rangipo Dam on Sunday 21 September will be at natural flows. Please note these…

2008-09-11T07:21:51+12:00 The NZRCA River Guide is intended to be an authoritative guide to the sections of rivers used by kayakers in New Zealand/Aotearoa. By referencing a robust, stable index of…

2008-09-10T08:15:09+12:00 Our wild rivers are threatened by climate change and runaway power consumption. Electricity demand is predicted to keep growing at 1.3% – 2% or an extra 150-200 megawatts of…

2008-09-09T22:49:58+12:00 [9 September] NZRCA and King Country Energy have agreed to a Mangahao release on Saturday 18 October. Negotiations are continuing regarding a replacement for a previously cancelled release, likely…

2008-09-06T21:17:06+12:00 Submissions are invited to the Special Tribunal to assess Fish and Game’s application to amend the Kawarau River Water Conservation Order 1997. The initiative is specifically in opposition to…