Whitewater kayaking during a Level 3 Alert
Over the past few weeks we’ve all been itching to get out on the water and I commend everyone for resisting that temptation. Sport NZ have released their activity specific guidance, which states that kayaking during the Level 3 Alert is permitted. However, this needs to be done sensibly, within your bubble and with no risk of hurting yourself or of needing rescue.
The most important principle is to maintain your bubble and stay safe, so that you do not need rescuing or medical care. You can do activities that are local, which you can do safely, and which do not involve interacting with other people, or equipment touched by other people.
So, if you need to go out on whitewater rivers (whilst in Level 3 Alert) please follow these simple rules:
- Stay in your bubble. Avoid driving in a vehicle with anyone outside of your bubble. This will mean carefully planning shuttles and travel to and from a river
- Only paddle on your local rivers, that you know well and present no risks
- Paddle one grade below your normal level. That means Class V is NOT OK!
- Do not paddle on flooded rivers
- Paddle in small groups (up to 4 people) and maintain at least 2m distance from people outside your bubble.
- Your choice of river should not be at all challenging for your level of experience. It should feel like a “walk in the park”
- Do not paddle on whitewater rivers alone
- Do not do overnight trips
- Do not share equipment
- Club activities should not take place
Now is not the time to take up new activities, push your limits, or expose yourself or your bubble to any risk.
Use your common sense – be kind, stay local, stay safe.
Kia kaha river people.
Kev England,
President, Whitewater NZ.
How far can I drive to go paddling?
You should drive as short a distance as you can, and still do the activity. You must stay local. For example a river, lake or a beach 45 minutes away.
What sort of activities can I do?
You can drive to a nearby area to go for a paddle, swim, ride, walk or run, as long as these activities do not break your bubble or cause a risk of needing rescue or medical care
Who can I do paddle with?
You can paddle by yourself (flat water paddling) or with people from your extended bubble. If other people are present, maintain at least 2m separation.