
Review of access to land and rivers


(18 March) The Land Access Reference Group is seeking public input on issues relating to public access. This is an opportunity for kayakers to raise any issues they have experienced with respect to access to rivers and lakes. Key points of interest are:
The extent and nature of issues relating to access – including to waterways, the coastline and countryside – providing examples where possible.
If there are issues relating to access, what you consider to be the causes.
Potential solutions for addressing any issues identified by you.
The likely social, cultural, economic and environmental impacts resulting from these solutions.
With respect to access, what is your vision for the future?

Submissions can be sent to Land Access Reference Group, c/o MAF, PO Box 2526, Wellington, or email Mark Neeson ( or Grant King ( of MAF by 28 March 2003. Update 27 April: Maree Baker and Mike Savory have made a submission regarding access to the Land Access Reference Group.