The School of Physical Education at Otago University is conducting a nationwide survey soliciting the opinions of river recreation users. Kayakers are invited to complete an online survey about their use of rivers for recreation. The team seeks to know who uses New Zealand rivers and for what purposes – the depth of experience within your personal river recreation, what motivates you, what features of the river are particularly important and what rivers you actually use. The survey takes 30-45 minutes. Every person who completes the survey will have the chance to win a Bliss-stick Whitewater kayak amongst other prizes. In preparation for the survey, it pays to check your river diary; When did you last kayak a river? How often do you kayak a river (on average)? How many different rivers have you kayaked in your lifetime? Last 10 rivers (not sections!) paddled? Contributing to this survey helps to raise the level of awareness of planners when it comes to the recreational amenity of rivers, and therefore helps to make a case against sacrificing additional sections to developement.