Whitewater NZ works to protect and conserve rivers, improve opportunities for kayakers to enjoy our whitewater resources safely, and protect public access to rivers for recreational use. Incorporated in 1957 as the New Zealand Canoeing Association (NZCA), the national association reorganised in the late 1990’s as the NZ Recreational Canoeing Association (NZRCA). At the recent AGM it was agreed to rebrand as Whitewater New Zealand. We’ll be rolling out the new brand starting with whitewater.mytestsite.nz and NZ Canoeing.
We’re also making some significant changes to whitewater.mytestsite.nz. Our migration to a modern content management system will deliver some great new features: user accounts and profiles, add pictures to forum posts and comments (great for showing gear), commenting on sections, event calendar, section ratings, photographic slideshows and more. Expect to see changes over the next few weeks.