

2003-11-09T14:51:00+13:00 Dave Nelson relates a tale of a trip down a flooded Mangorewa River that turned into a weekend epic on 24, 25 May 1997.

2004-03-25T10:41:30+12:00 [6 March] Ray Sperling of, under contract to EnvBOP Harbourmaster Jon Moore, has released a report on the management of Rock ‘A’ (113k, PDF) on the Rangitaiki river….

2004-03-23T19:59:18+12:00 Environment Bay of Plenty has issued health warnings for all parts of Lake Rotoiti and Rotorua, and also for the lower Kaituna River due to a continuing algal bloom….

2004-03-17T23:32:00+13:00 NZRCA Access Officer Graeme McIntyre reminds paddlers of the opportunity to paddle the Mangahao this weekend (Saturday 20 March). Graeme notes, I have been speaking to the people at…

2004-03-15T08:10:00+13:00 [12 March] Minister for the Environment Marian Hobbs has announced that a Water Conservation Order will be issued for the Mohaka River. The order will protect the outstanding characteristics…

2004-03-10T09:16:00+13:00 The NZ Canoe Federation has announced the 2004 National Kayak Forum of New Zealand, to be held on Saturday 8 May, at the NZ Academy of Sport, Wintech Sport…

DoC’s draft General Policies on Conservation and National Parks restrict canoes and kayaks from the Conservation estate. Maree Baker and Tony-Ward Holmes have compiled the NZRCA’s submissions on Conservation and…

2004-03-02T06:23:06+13:00 [24 February] Rangitata South Irrigation Ltd has proposed a $40million irrigation development that would dam the Orari river and affect the recreational paddling amenity on a class II-II section…

2004-03-01T20:55:25+13:00 The Ruahine White Water Club has announced that due to flooding, closed roads, rain and other unforseen circumstances, the Ruatiti Slalom for the 6 – 7 March has been…

2004-02-27T07:20:42+13:00 Duncan Catanach has compiled the NZRCA’s submissions opposing the Aoraki Water Trust and Opihi River Development Company Ltd. resource consent applications affecting the Tekapo River and the Pukaki Farming…

2004-02-25T10:14:19+13:00 Please accept our apology for the glitch that meant was unavailable since early yesterday evening. If you sent email to a * address over that time, please resend…

2004-02-22T11:13:15+13:00 Warren Hales, of HBCC, has advised the release schedule for the Waikaretaheke, from the weekend of 6 and 7 March through to 5 December, and including a Working Bee….

2004-02-13T21:17:56+13:00 Since the TDC revealed that Jet Boating New Zealand was seeking a permanent speed uplifting on the Buller River, the NZRCA has communicated its safety concerns to the JBNZ….

2004-02-12T11:32:46+13:00 Polly Miller is off on overseas adventures, so the Communications Officer position is available to someone who is keen to coordinate the brand and communications activities of the NZRCA….

2004-02-10T23:21:39+13:00 We often get people asking what they can do to help the NZRCA. Actually, that doesn’t happen very often, but we welcome assistance and the more paddlers who support…

2004-02-06T21:57:30+13:00 The annual TEVA Buller Festival will be held on Friday 5, Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 March, in and around Murchison. The festival features a slalom race, raft cross,…

2004-02-02T21:00:39+13:00 The Nelson Mail is reporting that kayakers Matt Crean and Grant Ruthven were on the spot to help when a car with five people inside it careened into the…

2004-11-09T17:36:00+13:00 The NZRCA’s Annual Report to Members, compiled by President Robin Rutter-Baumann and presented to the 2004 AGM summarises the NZRCA’s achievements and challenges over the past year, and looks…

2004-11-03T17:34:00+13:00 Jon Conway describes a multi-day trip down the remote and beautiful Upper Waiau river in Canterbury.