[19 August] The Hurunui Water Project (HWP) has applied to Environment Canterbury (ECan) for consents to erect two dams on the Hurunui; a weir at the Lake Sumner outlet and a 75m dam on the South Branch. This will result in a clipping of peak flood flows and a general raising of natural low summer flows (to >40 cumecs), as water is released down through the upper river to allow a 32cu off-take down near Mandamus for irrigation. Despite the Tribunal recommending a WCO for the Upper Hurunui waters, the draft WCO offers no protection for the South Branch and is subject to appeal. It’s even more critical that you get involved in this resource consent process, as it represents a direct threat to the Hurunui River as we know it. We need you to oppose Hurunui Water Project’s application and urge you to make a submission in opposition (submission form and resources). Submissions must be made before 5pm Friday 11 September 2009. Update 1 September: Just 10 days to go. Please get your submission done now.