The Hurunui Water Project has applied for resource consents for a revised and expanded hydro and irrigation scheme focussed on the Waitohi River. Previous plans proposed an 85m dam on the South Branch of the Hurunui River and a weir on the exit from Lake Sumner. In the face of strong opposition from kayakers and other river users the new scheme is significantly modified and the impacts on the recreational amenity of the Hurunui River are substantially reduced.
The revised scheme proposes an intake structure (1) on R bank downstream of Mandamus confluence (Stage 1). taking up to 10cu removed from the Hurunui. Stage 2 proposes an additional intake (4) on R bank at Surveyor’s Stream (approx. 1.5km downstream of current Maori Gully take out) with pump station, carpark and “get-out facility” (Stage 2) with up to 17cu removed from river. Details are available in the resource consent application and assessment of environmental effects. Application notice Hurunui Water Project Waitohi Irrigation and Hydro Schema: Part B, Assessment of Environmental Effects.
Submissions on the consents are due 5 November 2012.