Whitewater NZ held a successful Annual General Meeting in Christchurch on 28 July 2012.
The meeting was well attended and there was excellent commitment by various clubs from around New Zealand to send representatives. The meeting heard from Green MP Eugenie Sage who covered the status of Water Conservation Orders, and recent reports from the Conservation Authority and Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment. Hugh Canard facilitated discussion over issues and priorities for the organisation in the coming years. Andy England attended via video-conference to discuss the Waitaha hydro proposal and Whitewater Search and Rescue.
Several Executive committee members of long standing stepped down: Whitewater NZ is grateful for the years of commitment from Polly Miller (outgoing President), Tony Ward-Holmes (outgoing Conservation Office) and Mike Birch (outgoing Communications Office). Elections for the committee were held and we welcome new faces Doug Rankin (Conservation), Sean (Sid) Bellamy (Access), Mike Nooney (Communications) and Debbie Bloxham (Editor). Matt Bennett has moved from Access to President and Miriam Odlin has moved from Editor to North Island Conservation. We also say thanks to Jo Mair who has provided reliable and efficient service as Administrator. See all positions on the current Executive Committee.
Tony Ward-Holmes was voted Canoeist of the Year for 2012 for his massive efforts to preserve kayaking amenity on the Waimakariri, Hurunui and Mōkihinui rivers.
After drinks and a catered dinner the meeting wound up with an audio-visual presentation by Zak Shaw on the Waitaha Gorge and other inspirational rivers on the West Coast.