The Annual General Meeting for Whitewater NZ was held on Saturday 20 at the Arawa Clubrooms in Christchurch. The Annual Report for 2010 was accepted. Several Executive members stood down, so we thank Duncan Catanach, Glenn Murdoch, Michelle Wallace, Alan Bell, Anne Smith and Simon Callaghan for their superb work over many years. Following election of officers, we welcome Graeme Wilson (Vice-President), Jo Dovey (Membership), Sarah Fawcett (Treasurer), Miriam Odlin (Editor) to the Whitewater NZ Executive committee. In addition, Doug Rankin (South Island Conservation) and Nick Clendon (North Island Conservation) have stepped forward to assist Tony Ward-Holmes in the Conservation portfolio. All remits were passed. Veteran kayaker Hugh Canard was awarded Canoeist of the Year – congratulations Hugh. The AGM was given a preview of the Whitewater NZ-commissioned documentary by Dave Kwant and Bill Parks about the Mokihinui River and other power proposals for the West Coast. The movie had its world premiere at the Wanaka Mountain Film Festival this month. Whitewater NZ is working with Dave and Bill to finalise a final title and screening schedule for the movie.