
Wanted: Old film, video and images for documentary


Bill Parks writes, “Dave Kwant and I are working on a documentary on NZ kayaking, a combination why-we-kayak/conservation/history film. For the historical section we are looking for old footage (super-8 film, VHS, whatever) as well as old photos. If anyone out there has material from the earliest days of river-running in NZ through the 1980’s that you are willing to share, please contact me. First descents, old rafts, rowboats, fiberglass boats, dancers… anything like that that shows the development of the sport and the Kiwi ties to the outdoors would be great. I am also very interested in footage of any runs that have since been dammed: eg. Sargood’s, Cromwell Gap etc. Also, if you know of any pioneers with good stories to tell, I am interested. If you own the footage yourself, great. If you know of old documentaries that aired on TV, I’d also be interested in tracking those down, and I can look into getting permissions. I am at or 03-389-6999. Many thanks!” This work is being supported by the NZRCA in order to resist the pressure on additional NZ rivers being turned into lakes as part of the drive for ‘renewable’ energy.
