Genesis Energy have advised that the Moawhango tunnel will be closed for maintenance for approximately 10 days commencing on the evening of 21 June 2007. Rangipo Dam must be lowered to allow for complete draining of the tunnel and held at a low level to ensure the safety of the tunnel inspectors. This will mean that Rangipo Dam to Waikato Falls (Access 14 and Access 13) will be flowing at natural flow. It is expected that the amount of water released from Rangipo Dam will be between 7 and 10 m3/s, with a further 8 to 10 m3/s entering via the Waihohonu Stream a short distance downstream. However, the flows indicated here are only estimates and higher downstream flows may result if high inflows occur during the time of the inspection. You can monitor the flows on the Genesis Energy Hydrology Information website.