The Adventure Philosophy team went to South Georgia Island in October last year and successfully completed the first circumnavigation of the island by sea kayak. Mark Jones presents an ‘audiovisual spectacular’ on Monday 6 March, 7:30pm, at AUT University, Akoranga Drive Campus, Lecture theatre AA 234 and on Thursday 9 March, 7:30pm, Dorothy Winstone Centre, Auckland Girls Grammar School, Howes St (off K Rd.). Cost $15 prepaid or $10 students. Tickets can be purchased at Canoe and Kayak stores, 710 Great South Rd, Manukau or 2/20 Constellation Drive, North Shore, or at Outdoor Action, 57 Barrys Point Rd, Takapuna, or Tisdalls, Queen St. Presentations are also planned for additional locations including Greymouth, Blenheim, Nelson and China.