
Submissions sought in effort to protect Nevis River


Submissions are invited to the Special Tribunal to assess Fish and Game’s application to amend the Kawarau River Water Conservation Order 1997. The initiative is specifically in opposition to plans by Pioneer Generation to put a 40MW hydro dam on the Nevis through a loophole that requires the wild and scenic character of the river to be maintained but doesn’t prohibit damming. Fish and Game’s application seeks amendments to the water conservation order as it applies to the Nevis River to prohibit dams on the river and to set minimum river flows to protect fishery and amenity values, and to better recognise the river’s outstanding wild, scenic and natural characteristics, trout fishery, trout habitat, native fish habitat, cultural and historic characteristics. Kayakers know the Nevis as a nationally outstanding run posing a consistent challenge to expert paddlers. Send submissions (in the prescribed format (RTF, 40KB)) to or by post to Special Tribunal – Kawarau River Water Conservation Order, c/- Alex Miller, Ministry for the Environment, PO Box 10362, WELLINGTON 6143. Submissions must be received by the Special Tribunal by 3rd October 2008.
