
Mangahao Fund

Please apply by emailing your full application to

Funding rounds close on 31 March and 30 September each year.  The fund for each round is $10,000 (i.e. $20,000 per annum) and decisions will be confirmed within three weeks from the application closing date.

Background Information

King Country Energy, Trustpower and Whitewater NZ (“WWNZ”) have agreed that funds will be paid to WWNZ until regular releases are reinstated on the Mangahao River or the resource consent expires.  The money “the Mangahao Fund” is managed by a committee of representatives from WWNZ and the clubs of the lower half of the North Island.

The Fund Committee has agreed that:
a)  A minimum of 50% of all received funds is to be set aside as a fighting fund to conserve and enhance recreational river access and flows for paddling.
b)  Up to 50% of the funds received per annum may be made available for projects/applications that meet the application criteria.
c)  One round of funding applications will be reviewed per annum.

Qualifying Criteria

–  Funding to be provided only to incorporated societies (or Registered Charities) such as incorporated clubs, and/or Whitewater NZ member clubs.
–  Funding will not be provided to individuals or businesses.
–  Preference given to member organisations of Whitewater NZ.
–  Preference given to projects in the lower north island.
–  Funding to be appropriate and proportional to the benefit delivered to the paddlesports community, particularly of the lower north island.
–  Preference given to projects that benefit and utilise volunteer and not-for-profit resources and do not disproportionately benefit commercial organisations and businesses.

Principal Areas for Funding

–  Maintaining and improving paddling access to rivers and flows.
–  Funding disputes and challenges that threaten the above.
–  Promoting and supporting Mangahao releases.
–  Projects that enhance and promote paddling participation.
–  Projects that disseminate river safety and rescue information to the paddling community.
–  Nationally significant projects that will benefit the wider paddling community of Aotearoa.

Process and Support

The committee will review each application against the criteria and democratically decide what and how much will be funded.  Please note we cannot fund more than allocated and it is contested by other applications so please only apply where there is real value against the “Principal areas for funding” mentioned.
The committee is made of representatives from the below clubs, please contact these people in the first instance for guidance and or support in your application.
For formal questions of the committee please email

Ruahine White Water Club – Kevin Payne
Hutt Valley Canoe Club – Dean Benvenuti
Victoria University Canoe Club – Alex Stevenson
Hawkes Bay Canoe Club – Warren Hales
Whitewater Taranaki Club – Boyd Benton

Information your Application must Include

a) Project name.
b) Your primary contact details including name, email, phone numbers, physical address.
c) Details of the organisation applying for funding and current incorporated societies number and registered charity number, if applicable.
d) Description of the project, including:
–  Who is involved in managing it.
– Who will benefit from it (directly and indirectly).
– What problem / issue / need of the paddling community does the project address?
– When will the project commence and finish?
– How will the impact of the project be measured and reported to the Committee?
e) Breakdown of the full project budget and clearly identify which costs (if not all) the applicant is seeking funding for.
If partial funding is sought, detail how the remaining costs will be funded and when.
f) Detail all other funding the applicant has applied for or is considering applying for in relation to this project or any version of this project whether successful or not. (attachments allowed)
g) Detail any external funding the applicant’s organisation has received in the last five years. (provide summary details including source, purpose and amount)
h) Copy of Bank statement of equivalent for proof of account to pay into.
i) Applicant to acknowledge – that the Mangahao fund committee have absolute discretion and may accept or decline an application and there is no right of review or appeal.
j) Applicant to acknowledge – that an application summary of information may be published to WWNZ members.
k) Include a copy of meeting minutes where this application has been approved by the organisation.
l) Approved Signature that all information provided is true and correct.