[24 February] Rangitata South Irrigation Ltd has proposed a $40million irrigation development that would dam the Orari river and affect the recreational paddling amenity on a class II-II section used by kayakers including local clubs and educational institutes. The Orari River Protection Group has been set up to protect and retain the Orari River in its natural state. It includes recreational users, local landowners, and conservationists. The group has issued a survey for paddlers: survey (PDF, 35k) and survey (RTF, 4k). Please submit your survey responses to Anna Williams by the end of April 2004 via email: anna.williams at xtra.co.nz; or post: c/- School of Outdoor Education, Aoraki Polytechnic, Private Bag 902, Timaru. 2 March: There is now a second survey for anyone involved in a leadership capacity in a club, programme, group, centre, or school that has run organised kayaking, canoeing or rafting trips on the Orari River, or other educational activities within the Orari River area: survey (PDF, 40k) and survey (RTF, 4k).