The NZRCA Annual General Meeting will be held in Christchurch on Saturday 25 April from 10am-4:30pm at the Arawa Canoe Club Clubrooms at Kerrs Reach (off Avonside Drive). Guest Speaker: Metiria Turei (MP, Greens). Lunch will be made available during the meeting, and there will be casual dinner on the Saturday evening.
Notice: A change to the constitution of the NZRCA is proposed for consideration at the 2009 AGM. The remit is to change the registered name of the association from ‘New Zealand Recreational Canoeing Association’ to ‘Whitewater New Zealand’. The Executive asks that all members wishing to debate and vote on this change attend the AGM. However written submissions are also welcomed and will be read out should attendance not be possible. Submissions should be emailed to nzrca@whitewater.mytestsite.nz no later than 18 April 2009.
The AGM is also where the Canoeist of the Year Award is made. The Canoeist of the Year award celebrates those who achieve or contribute to recreational canoeing in New Zealand. Award recipients are nominated to the NZCF as candidates for the Canard Cup. If you wish to nominate someone for COTY you need to send your recommendations to NZRCA Administration Officer Anne Smith at admin@whitewater.mytestsite.nz or NZRCA, PO Box 284, Wellington by 25 April.
On Sunday 26, join us for a descent of the Hurunui and see why the NZRCA is seeking a Hurunui River Water Conservation Order.
All kayakers are welcome to the AGM, dinner and Sunday paddle, especially those keen to get involved in the issues facing recreational paddlers.