
NZRCA AGM 29-30 April, Turangi

[4 April] The NZRCA Annual General Meeting will be held in Turangi on the weekend of 29-30 April, 2006. All kayakers are welcome, especially those keen to get involved in the issues facing recreational paddlers. The NZRCA Executive will be kayaking both of the Tongariro releases that weekend, as well as holding the AGM. So all welcome to come and do some paddling and have your say – on and off the water.

The AGM is also where the Canoeist of the Year Award is made. The Canoeist of the Year award celebrates those who achieve or contribute to recreational canoeing in New Zealand. Award recipients are nominated to the NZCF as candidates for the Canard Cup. The current holder is Mike Abbott. If you wish to nominate someone for COTY you need to send your recommendations to NZRCA Administration Officer Anne Smith at or NZRCA, PO Box 284, Wellington by 21 April.

The meeting is at the Oasis Motel, Tokaanu starting at 2pm Saturday.