The NZRCA Annual General Meeting was held yesterday in at the Awara Clubrooms in Christchurch. Outgoing President Mike Birch presented the Annual Report to Members for 2009. Following elections of officers, Polly Miller (Christchurch) is the new President. Duncan Catanach is the new Vice-President. Ian Gill-Fox (Christchurch) is the new Safety Officer, following on from Glenn Murdoch who has been coopted as South Island Conservation Officer. Mike Birch steps down from President after four years and is now looking after Access. Sophie Ballagh (Dunedin) is new Communications Officer after Robin Rutter-Baumann. Thanks to Robin Rutter-Baumann, Graeme McIntyre and Sue Robertson for their previous efforts on behalf of kayakers.
The AGM passed the remit to change the registered name of the association from ‘New Zealand Recreational Canoeing Association’ to ‘Whitewater New Zealand’. The change in branding will be processed over the next few months.
Special guest Metiria Turei MP described Green Party policies in relation to rivers and water, and gave some advice on how to engage with the Government and Ministers of Parliament. The AGM also heard from Paul Caffyn (KASK) about areas of mutual interest to river and sea kayakers, and from Josh Stevenson (VentureOut) regarding the implications of Maritime NZ’s commercial kayaking guidelines (PDF, 84KB) and how they may effect clubs. Glenn Murdoch showed slides and video arising from the recent Wild Rivers workshop in Murchison.
Graeme Wilson (nominated by Whitewater Canoe Club) is Canoeist of the Year for 2009 (well done, Graeme!). The next AGM will be in Wellington on Saturday 24 April 2010.