Sophie Hoskins, Hester Hilbink and friends are working on a project to teach Nepalese girls to kayak. Sophie writes, “A friend from Sweden is organising this project. She has lived there for about eight years and really wants to introduce the local Nepalese women to kayakng and rafting so they can work as safety boaters and raft guides. This is the first project of this kind and the girls are super excited as they haven’t had the chance to learn these skills.
We are trying to get as much gear as we can fit in our luggage to take over for them so we can leave each girl with a full kit and maybe some spares. So if anyone out there has spare gear they would like to donate or sell cheap including paddles, dry-tops, splash jackets, kayaks, B.A’s, booties, helmets, warm paddling gear, river knives, throwbags, spraydecks, etc. – anything you think may be handy to them for raft guiding and safety boating, we would love to hear from you please email sophiehoskins@gmail.com or contact them at their blog.