As part of the Ministry for the Environment‘s Water Programme of Action, input is requested for an online survey on recreational use of freshwater rivers and lakes. The online survey for Freshwater asks which recreational pursuits you follow; canoeing and kayaking is an option. It asks how many days a year you canoe and kayak, how long it took to get to your last trip, who you kayak with, what are the key factors for the experience (note that Degree of canoeing challenge or similar will need to go under ‘Other’) and asks you to rank the factors by importance. It asks which three locations you have (and haven’t) visited which best represent your key factors. It also asks you to list and rank the factors that may limit your experience. The survey requires completion by 13 February. These questions will be easier to answer if you maintain a Logbook. Some background to the Water Programme of Action can be found in a speech by Marion Hobbs.