[13 January] Louis Tapper reports Kokatahi Helicopters are looking for the best kayaking photos from the West Coast (Arahura River , Whataroa River , Styx, Taipo, Toaroha, Kokatahi , Hokitika , Whitcombe, Waitaha). The best photo will earn a free helicopter trip for you and one friend into any of the rivers listed on Dando’s website. To enter, register via the yakers forum where you can also find competition rules and instructions on how to upload the photos. Photos will be published at http://www.kokatahihelicopters.co.nz/gallery.html. Entries close 1 February 2006. Update, 2 February: Entries are now open to 8 February. Update, 24 February. The winning photo has been announced. Well done, Andy!