What does whitewater paddling in NZ look like at the various pandemic alert levels?
With today’s news about Covid-19 in the community we thought it would be worth reminding everybody about what whitewater paddling looks like at the different levels
Level 4.
- Stay home.
- Stay safe.
- Do not go whitewater paddling.
Level 3.
- Stay in your bubble. Avoid driving in a vehicle with anyone outside of your bubble. This will mean carefully planning shuttles and travel to and from a river
- Only paddle on your local rivers, that you know well and present no risks
- Paddle one grade below your normal level. That means Class V is NOT OK!
- Do not paddle on flooded rivers
- Paddle in small groups (up to 4 people) and maintain at least 2m distance from people outside your bubble.
- Your choice of river should not be at all challenging for your level of experience. It should feel like a “walk in the park”
- Do not paddle on whitewater rivers alone
- Do not do overnight trips
- Do not share equipment
- Club activities should not take place
Level 2:
- Transmission of the virus is most likely whilst travelling in a vehicle, so plan this carefully. Here are some things you can do to reduce the transmission risk while driving shuttles and driving to / from a river trip:
- Drive to and from the river by yourself or create an expanded “shuttle bubble”, and stick to this grouping whilst driving (and on the river, if possible)
- Drive with windows open
- Use good personal hygiene whilst sharing a car
- Stay well within your skill level to reduce the likelihood of needing emergency services.
- Paddle in small groups and try to keep your group exclusive
- Keep a record of who you paddle with
- Use physical distancing wherever possible, particularly at the put-in and take-out, where other people may be present
- Avoid touching each other’s gear, and if this is not possible, disinfect or use hand sanitiser as quickly as possible
- Overnight trips are OK as long as 1m physical distancing is maintained
- If you are sick, have any respiratory, cold or flu-like symptoms, do not go paddling
Level 1.
- Get out there
- Play it safe
- Be kind
Together we will beat this!!!