Water Safety New Zealand are going to run ACC RiverSafe Provider training days in December and January and are calling for interested individuals and organisations to register interest. The provider training is to pass on the requirements of the ACC RiverSafe programme to organisations and/or individuals who want to offer their services to schools and other clients to run the activities contained in the ACC RiverSafe manual. These activities include survival swimming, river swimming, river crossing and throw bag rescue, with a view to providing participants with core river safety skills before they go kayaking or rafting etc.
There is no cost to attend the one day induction workshop. Once an organisation or individual has attended the induction training, they are able to use the RiverSafe logo to promote themselves to the schools etc. Venues are likely to be Queenstown, Christchurch, Murchison, Palmerston North, Tauranga/Rotorua, and Auckland depending on numbers. If you are interested in attending and being able to run the ACC RiverSafe programme, please contact Brendon Ward on 04 801 9600 or bward@watersafety.org.nz as soon as possible.