DoC are conducting a national review of facilities including bridges and huts. There is an overview document (PDF, 283k) and specific proposal documents are available for each region.
Some of these facilities will be relevant to kayakers, for example bridges on the Kokatahi track, Mid-Taipo Hut and Venus Hut on the Karamea. Access to the Kokatahi (from a safety perspective) could be affected by removal of the Top Kokatahi and Crawford Junction. The Mid-Taipo hut is scheduled for expansion, which would enhance the experience of running the Upper Taipo as a multiday option. It is proposed to remove Venus Hut from the Upper Karamea, which could affect paddlers starting high on the river.
Indicate your support or opposition to DoC’s proposals using the online form or a hardcopy form (PDF, 16k), before 31 January 2004.