Tasman District Council have granted Hancock Forest Management a temporary closure of the Motueka River in a ~5km section of the Motueka River from near the Northern end of Aratapu Road to McLeans Reserve (between 172°47.380 / -41°17.633 and 172°48.564 / -41°17.354) while logging operations are performed.
Boating is prohibited in the effected section during the hours of 05:30 NZDT and 16:30 NZDT on any weekday during the period of 18 May to 1630 hours on 18 November 2016. There shall be no restrictions on public access on any Saturday or Sunday.
Any person wishing to access the reserved section of the river must make arrangements to do so at least two full working days in advance with Hancock Forest Management (NZ) Ltd by telephoning (03) 541 7000.