Its time for the VOK Kayaks Brass Monkey Kayak Race series again. This friendly event in its 20th year appeals to both new and experienced paddlers. There is a race at the head of the field for performance prizes in the form of trophies and chocolate fish. Individuals compete against the clock over the five race series to better their times. There are races within variety classes for different of types of kayak. People come along to cruise down the Waimak and enjoy the scenery, and any race that finishes at a pub is a favourite with the crowd.
The Brass Monkey is run and safety managed by expert paddlers from the Whitewater Canoe Club, so it is an excellent opportunity for novice paddlers to build their skills on moving water. The 12km course from the Pylons to State Highway Bridge runs through Christchurch, so racing is all over and done in a morning and this event is renown for its great spot prizes every week. Race dates this year are Sundays: 24 June, 8 and 22 July, 5 and 19 August. For more information pick up an entry form from Topsport, Canoe and Outdoor World, PaddlerZone or online from http://www.whitewater.org.nz.