[23 Feburary] BOPDHB has issued a media release saying the algal bloom has extended to Okere Arm (PDF, 32k) of Lake Rotoiti, and advise recreationalists to avoid ‘significant’ contact with lake water (for example, in the Kaituna River). Refer diagram (not yet updated). Update: 4 March, the previous warning has been extended to Kaituna River..Kayakers and white water rafters are the dominant users of the area, so we advise them and everyone else to keep out of the water until further notice, says Medical Officer of Health Dr Phil Shoemack. Update: 17 March, Following a meeting between Toi Te Ora Public Health and local rafting and kayaking operators, Toi Te Ora Public Health have agreed to undertake research into the effects of algal bloom on river users.