The issue of access to the Bottom Paddock take-out on the Wairoa has arisen. Joe Anderson of Kaimai Canoe Club reports that he has spoken to the owner regarding kayakers and rafters using his paddock next to the Ruahihi Power Station. “He is happy for river users to continue using the paddock. He says he gets the job of picking up the rubbish after each flow day and keeping the drive and grass in drivable condition, so the money he collects is fair recognition of that. He was also appreciative of the fact that some people had made the effort to put the hard word on hoons doing the wrong thing in the paddock on flow days.” Joe says, “the danger tape, for whoever gets there first on a flow day, can be disconnected from the honesty box end, and rolled up enough to leave enough room for only one vehicle at a time to come or go, so that the wear and tear on the grass is restricted to the current vehicle track. Especially on wet days.”
NZRCA President Mike Birch says, “I have contacted the landowner and he is happy for us to continue to use his land for take-out access. Please respect this – it’s private land – use the honesty box, don’t leave any rubbish and if any other kayakers are disrespectful, remind them that they may jeopardise access for all of us.”